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Tubers of the USDA potato accession PI 619137PI 619137 “SA-450”

Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum 4x

PI 619137 at Genesys

Accession Details

Authoritative accession: CIP 700045

An andigena type tetraploid collected in Junin Peru in 1970.  CIP reports resistance to tuber moth and cyst nematode.  A type cytoplasm (Sukhotu 2005).


Clone.  Round, pink tubers.  White flesh.  Red vascular ring is reported for this variety but not present in this batch,  Large plants, dark red stems.  Moderate flowering and berrying.  Long flowering period, more than two months.  Abundant pollen.  Long day tuberization.  Short stolons.  Heavy stolon mat.  Some tubers sprouting at harvest.  Good flavor.  Moist texture.


Tubers of the USDA potato accession PI 619137
Flower of the potato (Solanum tuberosum) variety'SA-450'
SA-450 potato flower