Top 10 TPS for 2019

High dormancy diploid (Stenotomum type) potatoes

2019 was the first year that I offered true potato seeds of individual varieties and controlled crosses in addition to our standard TPS mixes.  I was curious to see if there would be much interest in these.  Some of the top sellers were predictable, ranking as they have for years, but others surprised me.  I […]

Fine Tuning Germination of Older True Potato Seeds

I start thousands of true potato seeds every year.  You would think that I would be an expert by now, but my results suggest otherwise.  One of the biggest problem areas for me is starting older TPS.  I grow a lot of genebank accessions that are often decades old and they just don’t germinate as […]

‘Purple Star’ Potato Virus Cleanup Part 1: Initial Testing

Tubers of the potato variety 'Purple Star'

This is the first of a series of short videos that will document the process of eliminating viruses from the ‘Purple Star’ potato variety.  Purple Star was selected by Nathan Pierce of the Kenosha Potato Project in 2016 and has since shown the usual signs of running out due to virus burden.  In this video, […]

Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Infects Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius)

I noticed some subtle but consistent leaf malformation in some yacon that I am propagating this year.  (This is not a named or publicly available variety – I use it for breeding.)  I wasn’t sure if this was an intrinsic trait or externally caused, but I don’t remember seeing this before, so I decided to […]

FAQ: True Potato Seed for the Apocalypse

Periodically, I get lots of questions about true potato seeds as an insurance policy against some sort of failure of the agricultural or food delivery system.  The reasoning is straightforward enough: potato tubers don’t keep indefinitely and they take up a lot of space.  True potato seeds last much longer and require very little space.  […]

The Beginner’s Guide to True Potato Seed (TPS)

Potatoes from Cultivariables 2018 wide diploid TPS mix

There is a lot of information on this website about growing potatoes from true potato seed, but I often hear from people who are interested but who don’t have the time to read all of that material.  If you have heard about TPS and are wondering if it is something that you would enjoy trying […]

A Blue Potato by Any Other Name…

Would taste just as sweet?  Maybe not.  But it probably would taste the same.  There are about 30 blue fleshed heirloom potatoes that are common in North America and Europe, but it turns out that they are almost all synonymous.  This is a big problem in potatoes and with heirloom vegetables in general.  People forget […]

Arracacha: Flogged into Flowering

Arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza) flowers

If I had to pick one indispensable personality trait for the plant breeder, it would be patience.  It is one of the few areas of endeavor I can think of where doing something the same way, repeatedly, until it works, is a viable strategy.  It is surprising how often I succeed with a plant at […]

A Change to Our Seed Guarantee

Solanum brevicaule seeds

The major portion of our business is selling clonal crops, in the form of roots and tubers.  Because roots and tubers are perishable and vulnerable to all kinds of problems in packing and shipping, we guarantee them.  You should expect that roots and tubers that you receive will substantially sprout and grow.  After that, it […]
