Category Archives: oca (Oxalis tuberosa)

Oca: Mini tubers from 2013 seedlings

A side note to start with: Northwest Edible Life invited me to do an introduction to Andean root vegetables, which has gone up today: I’m really pleased with how it turned out.  Northwest Edible Life is a great blog and definitely worth checking out if you’re reading here. —– This will be just a […]

Oca: Three new North American ocas

Winter is coming and that forces hard decisions.  We have more ocas to winter over than I had planned for, particularly since I didn’t expect to be able to both produce and germinate seed this year.  So, our 58 sown and volunteer seedlings have been living outside, coming in to the porch only on nights […]

Oca: Seedlings update

Our oca seedlings, sown from this year’s seeds, continue to grow at their own paces. These 53 seedlings (9 have disappeared, probably down a slug’s gullet, since the last update) all resulted from two August sowings and were all grown under the same conditions. Some are still tiny plants with only two or three sets […]

Summer heat and Andean crops

This was a pretty normal year on the coast of Washington.  We had a cool winter, a cool spring, a cool summer, and so far, we’re having a cool fall.  We’re close enough to the ocean that the temperature of the Pacific just off shore is a much better predictor of our temperatures than anything […]