Solanum immite


Solanum immite distribution map
Solanum immite distribution map

Solanum immite (immite means rough) is a Peruvian species.  Plants reach a foot tall or a little more.  White flowers.

The specific epithet, immite, means “mixed,” but I don’t know the context of this description.  While there is no completely standardized pronunciation for scientific names, the most common way to pronounce this species is probably so-LAY-num IM-mite.


This species can survive frosts down to 27 degrees F (-3 C) (Li 1977).  Vega (1995) found that this species is about as frost tolerant as domesticated potato.

Condition Type Level of Resistance Source
Alternaria solani (Early Blight) Fungus Not resistant Jansky 2008
Pectobacterium carotovorum (Blackleg/Soft Rot) Bacteria Not resistant Chung 2011
Phytophthora infestans (Late Blight) Fungus Not resistant Bachmann-Pfabe 2019
Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (PSTVd) Virus Some resistance
Verticillium spp. (Verticillium Wilt) Fungus Some resistance

Glykoalkaloid content

No information


Solanum immite plant
Solanum immite plant
Solanum immite flower buds
Solanum immite flower buds
Solanum immite plant
Solanum immite plant
Tubers of the wild potato species Solanum immite
Solanum immite tubers


I have found seeds of this species easy to germinate using the standard conditions for S. tuberosum.  Getting the plants to tuberize has been pretty difficult.  They appear to be quite late to begin forming tubers.


Crosses with S. tuberosum

Female Male Berry Set
Seed Set Germ Ploidy Source
S. tuberosum S. immite None None Jackson (1999)

Crosses with other species

Jackson (1999) found 7% 2n pollen from varieties of this species.

Female Male Berry Set
Seed Set Germ Ploidy Source


Solanum immite at Solanaceae Source

Solanum immite at GRIN Taxonomy

Solanum immite at CIP