Solanum medians


Solanum medians distribution map
Solanum medians distribution map

Solanum medians is a wild potato species native to central and southern Peru, just barely reaching into Chile.  Plants reach about two feet tall.  Flowers purple.  Berries large, round, green to purplish.

The specific epithet, medians, means “intermediate,” probably referring to the size of the plant.  It is formed from the Latin word “medius,” for “middle.”  While there is no completely standardized pronunciation for scientific names, the most common way to pronounce this species is probably so-LAY-num MEE-dee-ans.

This species has some of the highest measured amylose content of any potato species, reaching as much as 51.4% (Jansen 2001, as S. sandemanii).


This species can survive frosts down to 27 degrees F (-3 C) (Li 1977).  Vega (1995) found that this species is less frost tolerant than domesticated potato.

Level of Resistance
Globodera pallida (Pale Cyst Nematode) Invertebrate Resistant Castelli 2003
Globodera rostochiensis (Potato Cyst/Golden Nematode) Invertebrate Resistant Castelli 2003
Myzus persicae (Green Peach Aphid) Invertebrate Somewhat resistant Machida-Hirano 2015

Glykoalkaloid content


Solanum medians plant
Solanum medians plant
Solanum medians plant
Solanum medians plant
Solanum medians plant
Solanum medians plant
Solanum medians flower buds
Solanum medians flower buds
Solanum medians flower buds
Solanum medians flower buds
Solanum medians flower
Solanum medians flower
Berries of the wild potato species Solanum medians
Solanum medians berries
Tubers of the wild potato species Solanum medians
Solanum medians tubers


The USDA potato genebank has observed that germination of some accessions of this species is inhibited by GA3 (Bamberg 1999).

Towill (1983) found that seeds of this species stored at 1 to 3 degrees C germinated at 88% after 14 years.


Crosses with S. tuberosum

Female Male Berry Set Seed Set Germination Ploidy Source
S. tuberosum S. medians Low None Jackson (1999)
S. medians S. tuberosum None None Jackson (1999)

Crosses with other species

Jackson (1999) found 2-14% 2n pollen in varieties of this species.

Female Male Berry Set Seed Set Germination Ploidy Source


Solanum medians at Solanaceae Source

Solanum medians at GRIN Taxonomy