Solanum okadae


Solanum okadae distribution map
Solanum okadae distribution map

Solanum okadae is primarily a western Bolivian species, ranging south into Argentina, growing in moist mid-elevation habitats.  Plants about a foot tall.  Stolons two feet long or more.  Tubers round to ovoid, reaching about an inch in diameter.  Flowers white.  Berries round and a little more than 1/2 inch in diameter.

The specific epithet, okadae, honors Japanese botanist Kumio Okada, who described the species.  While there is no completely standardized pronunciation for scientific names, the most common way to pronounce this species is probably so-LAY-num oh-KAD-ee.

Subramanian (2017) found that at least some accessions of this species have unusually high dry matter content.

EBN of this species has not yet been determined.


Ochoa (1990) notes that this species is unusually vulnerable to late blight. On the other hand, a survey of markers in this species for the late blight resistance genes R2, R8, R9, and Rpi-blb2, revealed that some plants carry all of these genes (Muratova 2019).  Some accessions of this species also carry the Rpi-oka1 gene that confers late blight resistance.  This suggests that S. okadae should be a good source of late blight resistance.

Vega (1995) found that this species is less frost tolerant than domesticated potato.

Condition Type Level of Resistance Source
Drought Abiotic Resistant Watanabe 2011
Globodera pallida (Pale Cyst Nematode) Invertebrate Not resistant Castelli 2003
Globodera rostochiensis (Potato Cyst/Golden Nematode) Invertebrate Not resistant Castelli 2003
Myzus persicae (Green Peach Aphid) Invertebrate Not Resistant Alvarez 2006
Phytophthora infestans (Late Blight) Fungus Some resistance Karki 2020

Glykoalkaloid content



Solanum okadae plant
Solanum okadae plant
Solanum okadae plant
Solanum okadae plant
Solanum okadae flower
Solanum okadae flower
Solanum okadae plant
Solanum okadae plant
Solanum okadae flower
Solanum okadae flower
Solanum okadae flower back
Solanum okadae flower back
Flower of the wild potato species Solanum okadae
Solanum okadae flower
Tubers of the wild potato species Solanum okadae
Solanum okadae tubers


Camadro (2008) reports that seed production is difficult in this species even though it produces fertile pollen.


Crosses with S. tuberosum

Female Male Berry Set Seed Set Germination Ploidy Source
S. tuberosum S. okadae Low Low Jackson (1999)
S. okadae S. tuberosum None None Jackson (1999)
S. okadae S. tuberosum Yes Low Camadro (2008)

Crosses with other species

Jackson (1999) found 4-10% 2n pollen for varieties of this species and Camadro (2008) found 0 to 5% 2n pollen and 0 to 3% 4n pollen.

Female Male Berry Set Seed Set Germination Ploidy Source


Solanum okadae at Solanaceae Source

Solanum okadae at GRIN Taxonomy