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Tubers of the USDA potato accession PI 664475PI 664475 “Chiquilla Pitiquiña”

Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum 2x

PI 664475 at Genesys

Accession Details

Authoritative accession: CIP 702450

A stenotomum type diploid collected in Puna Peru in 1970.  CIP reports resistance to root knot nematode.


Clone.  Tubers ovate, pinecone shaped, red.  Moderately deep eyes.  Flesh white with red vascular ring.  Large plants.  Floriferous with pink flowers.  Abundant pollen.  Mid stolons.  Appears to be a facultative short day tuberizer, with relatively poor tuber development under long days.  Waxy texture.


Tubers of the USDA potato accession PI 664475
Flower of the Peruvian potato (Solanum tuberosum) variety'Chiquilla Pitiquiña"
Chiquilla Pitiquiña flower
Tubers of the USDA potato accession PI 664475