Product Availability
Whatever is shown in stock is ready to ship and will usually be sent within two weeks. I no longer offer anything as a pre-order. You can sign up for a wait list if a product that you want is out of stock and you will receive an email when it is available again. I used to delay shipping when the weather was freezing, but I no longer do. If your order arrives damaged, I will refund it. Shipping is included in prices, so you don’t pay more for multiple orders.
Seeds are typically available year round, although the more popular and/or scarce varieties do often run out of stock.
In Vitro Plantlets
In vitro plantlets are my preferred way to offer clonal varieties. I make these according to the amount of excess that results from the ongoing maintenance of my tissue culture collection. I tried offering plantlets on demand and it proved too difficult, so they are now offered only when I end up with enough material at the end of my own multiplication. I transfer my plantlets about twice a year, so there might be two opportunities to get plantlets each year for a particularly variety.
Roots and Tubers
I no longer offer roots and tubers because our field has become infected with powdery scab. I can’t be sure that I won’t spread powdery scab along with anything grown here that has soil contact. Unfortunately, powdery scab is an effectively permanent, soil-borne disease that spreads by durable spores, so whether a plant can actually be infected by the disease or not, it can still spread the spores. I occasionally offer some greenhouse-grown tubers for certain varieties, but these are the exception, not the rule. Seeds and in vitro plantlets will be the only common offerings going forward.