Oca information and growing instructions |
Sunset is one of the better heirloom varieties, notable for high yields and mild, pleasant flavor.
Culinary Traits
Sunset has just a hint of tartness, but the flesh is also fairly sweet, which makes me think of squash. The tubers lose some color in cooking, but remain yellow inside and out.
Agronomic Traits
Sunset plants are moderate in height, but with a large number of stems, and sprawling at maturity. The tubers are produced on long stolons, which prevents crowding and resulting in uniform shapes. Tuberization photoperiod is about 12.5 hours, roughly a week earlier than most heirloom varieties. Average yield is 2 pounds. Maximum tuber length is 4.9 inches and average tuber length is 3.3 inches, so this variety skews decidedly toward larger tubers. Average tuber count is 38.
Sunset is a moderate flowerer with a short-styled flower. It typically flowers here in July and August.
What you will receive
You will receive the stated number of tubers, packaged in a wax envelope. We grade tubers by passing them through a grate. Small tubers are those that won’t fall through a 1/3″ grate, but that will fall through a 1 inch grate. Medium/large tubers are those that will not fall through a 1 inch grate.
Seeds are open pollinated. Because oca is a polyploid hybrid, the seeds will not grow true to type. They are suitable for use in breeding or conservation efforts and could be used to select varieties similar to the parent type.
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