PI 225628

Tubers of the USDA potato accession PI 225628

Return to Andigena Accessions Index   PI 225628 “Pana Blanca” Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum 4x PI 225628 at Genesys Accession Details A tetraploid andigena type potato collected in Bucaramanga, Colombia in 1948.  GRIN notes late blight, PVA resistance. A1 type cpDNA (Sukhotu 2005). Observations TPS. Round, elliptic, long-oblong, elongate.  Whites, blues, and white with red.  […]

PI 225627

Return to Andigena Accessions Index   PI 225627 “Lizaraza Rosada” Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum 4x PI 225627 at Genesys Accession Details A tetraploid andigena type potato collected in Cudinamarca, Colombia before 1955. Observations TPS.  Commentary  

PI 197932

Tubers of the USDA potato accession PI 197932

Return to Andigena Accessions Index   PI 197932 “Tocana” Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum 4x PI 197932 at Genesys Accession Details A tetraploid andigena type potato collected in Bogota, Colombia before 1951.  GRIN notes PLRV, PVX resistance.  Type A cytoplasm (Zhang 2010). Observations TPS.  Round to elliptic.  Mostly blues with white flesh.  Short to intermediate stolons.  […]

PI 195162

Tubers of the USDA potato accession PI 195162

Return to Andigena Accessions Index   PI 195162 “Papa Cresposa” Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum 4x PI 195162 at Genesys Accession Details A tetraploid andigena type potato collected in Huancayo, Peru before 1951.  GRIN notes PLRV resistance. C1 type cpDNA (Sukhotu 2005). Observations TPS.  Compressed to ovate.  Reds, blues, and whites.  White or light yellow flesh.  […]

PI 186180

Tubers of the USDA potato accession PI 186180

Return to Andigena Accessions Index   PI 186180 “Vacapa Rurum” Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum 4x PI 186180 at Genesys Accession Details A tetraploid andigena type potato collected in Huancayo, Peru before 1950.  GRIN notes resistance to PVA and PVX. Observations TPS.  Poor survival.  Intermediate stolons.  Round to elliptic.  White skin and flesh. Commentary Only one […]

PI 186178

Tubers of the USDA potato accession PI 186178

Return to Andigena Accessions Index   PI 186178 “Puca Paltacc” Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum 4x PI 186178 at Genesys Accession Details A tetraploid andigena type potato collected in Huancayo, Peru before 1950.  GRIN notes resistance to late blight.  C1 type cpDNA (Sukhotu 2005). Observations TPS.  Compressed to round.  Reds and yellows with light yellow or […]

PI 186177

Tubers of the USDA potato accession PI 186177

Return to Andigena Accessions Index   PI 186177 “Chihuanhuay” Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum 4x PI 186177 at Genesys Accession Details A tetraploid andigena type potato collected in Peru before 1950.  Type A cytoplasm (Zhang 2010). Observations TPS.  Round, ovate, laterally compressed.  Blues and whites.  Intermediate to long stolons.  Late but good long day performance. Commentary […]

PI 195198

Tubers of the USDA potato accession PI 195198

Return to Andigena Accessions Index PI 195198 Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum 2x PI 195198 at Genesys Accession Details A phureja type diploid collected in Pasto Colombia before 1951.  Noted for being grown in a warm climate. Observations TPS. Good germination.  Ovate, elliptic, elongate.  Yellows, reds, and a few blues.  Moderately deep eyes.  White or yellow […]

PI 195191

Tubers of the USDA potato accession PI 195191

Return to Andigena Accessions Index   PI 195191 Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum 2x PI 195191 at Genesys Accession Details A phureja type diploid collected in Pichincha Ecuador before 1951.  GRIN notes Blackleg, bacterial wilt, ringrot resistance.  S type cpDNA (Hosaka 1988). Observations TPS.  Slow germination, 9+ days.  Elliptic to elongate. Mostly yellows, some light, a […]

PI 320370

Tubers of the USDA potato accession PI 320370

Return to Andigena Accessions Index   PI 320370 Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum 2x PI 320370 at Genesys Accession Details A phureja type diploid collected in Cauca Colombia before 1966.  GRIN notes resistance to early blight, scab.  Selections from this accesssion tested very high for caroteinoids (Pillai 2013). Observations TPS.  Round to elliptic.  Tubers to four […]
